About Us
The Pixel Farm manufactures and markets innovative image-processing software that meet the demands of professionals working in the motion picture, broadcast TV and interactive entertainment industries.
The company, headquartered in the UK(Kent), was established in 2002 and has amassed collectively decades of experience in developing some of the world’s most advanced image-processing software and finding ways to make them accessible to the global visual effects and restoration markets.
Our products – PFTrack and PFClean, address VFX, DI and Image Restoration – are well-known and well-loved by digital artists worldwide, as they seamlessly integrate into the most demanding post-production environments, whilst supporting creativity and maximising productivity.
Our whole business – from cutting-edge R&D to commercial productisation – is driven by listening to what customers want, together with a proactive approach to solving the complexities of modern digital content creation and a sheer passion to move the entertainment industry forward. Along with continual product innovation, delivered by some of the world’s best developers, we also work closely with many leading technology partners to ensure our products fit into the widest variety of workflows. The result of our informed, collaborative, ground-up approach means we deliver flexible, open systems that are easy to use, yet harness creativity and exploit productivity.
Partners We Work With
The Pixel Farm have a close working relationship with Apple developing technologies to extend Shake and Final Cut Pro as well as designing applications to make the most of Apple’s new generation hardware, with all Pixel Farm software shipping as Universal Binaries. The Pixel Farm have provided high-end DI applications to many Mac users to help ensure Apple remain a key player in the DI space.
Aeon Computing
Aeon Computing is a leading provider of highly integrated computing and storage solutions designed for all areas of computer aided production and research. With over 55 years of staff experience, our focus is on architecting a perfectly suited solution or your needs ranging from multi petabyte filesystems to application optimised compute resources.
Cooke Optics
With a history going back to the 1890’s Cooke Optics have helped define the film industry. Not a company to rest on its past glories Cooke are at the cutting edge of camera lens development. The introduction of the IData Lens allow per frame lens data to be recorded and through a development partnership with The Pixel Farm this data can now be imported directly into PFTrack. This data transfer takes the guesswork out of passing information from set to post production.
Working with FilmLight has resulted in PFClean becoming the DI image preparation and restoration system of choice for many NorthLight and Baselight users. PFClean offers full support for Infrared defect data from the Northlight 1 and 2 scanners providing customers with a seemless automated dust busting pipeline. With the optional Baselight Link and with support for TrueLight, PFClean and Baselight provide the industry’s most potent restoration pipeline for the most demanding of projects.
Tangent Wave Ltd.
Tangent manufacture a number of control surfaces for use with color correction solutions and their Wave panel is fast becoming the industry standard. We have worked closely with Tangent to integrate the Wave with PFClean’s primary grading tools which are available with V5 and later. the Wave will increase your productivity, leaving you to get on with what you’re best at doing – being creative!